- FistK wrote:
- I never said CM Punk would be as big as Lesnar since Lesnar was the biggest draw in the history if the UFC. But i do firmly believe that if CM Punk headlined a PPV in his first fight it would do very good numbers.
was just using lesnar as a reference because they are the only 2 people to transition to mma from WWE.
I think no one really cares that much about cm punk. why would they? because he was with the wwe? really? he has never fought and they cant sell the fight or promote it properly because of this and i completely disagree that they will do big numbers with him. no one is even really discussing it on all the other big websites. its like ok ufc is trying to make this a spectacle lets move on.
UFC was booming in 2009 and things like this use to matter. UFC has lost a lot of popularity and signing cm punk is mediocre at best. it wasnt as big as a WOW factor as they thought it would be. ben askren would be a much better prospect for the ufc