From MMA Fighting:
"The only reason we're even allowed to do MMA is, given potential for how it is right now, we can say it is safe," Rousey said. "But if you keep putting PEDs in people, it's going to become less and less safe, and the day somebody dies in that Octagon, and the other person tests positive for steroids, you're going to have your first murder case in MMA and that is going to be the kind of thing that destroys the sport. It could destroy the sport forever."
You know I'm not much of a Rousey fan these days but I find myself agreeing with her. PEDs can be a huge advantage in a fight and the potential for harm can be high.
Were Bisping's injury's a result of PED opponents? I'd say yes. The guy feeds his family in a sport where he goes in clean and some of his loses are * with his opponents on PEDs or TRT.