Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a tragic disorder that is caused by the mother drinking alcohol during pregnancy. The following is a list of symptoms that may or may not be present in a person afflicted with this syndrome. FAS in adults is so significant that the Correctional Systems in Canada and the US have identified a large percentage of inmates identified with FAS as a significant problem.
Attention deficits
Memory deficitsl
Difficulty with abstract concepts
Inability to manage moneyy
Poor problem solving skills
Difficulty learning from consequences
Immature social behavior
Inappropriately friendly to strangers
Lack of control over emotions
Poor impulse control
Poor judgment
Trouble maintaining relationships
Inability to keep a job
Staying in School
Mental Health Problems
Trouble with the law
Inappropriate Sexual Behavior
Drug and Alcohol Problems. FAS often can make a person more prone to have substance abuse problems in adulthood.
My question is.... Given the symptoms of this disorder, can (and has) MMA provided an acceptable way of intervening in the life of a young person afflicted with this disorder? Thoughts?